Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sudarshan Kriya : Secret Revealed!!

Sudarshan Kriya : How The Magic Unfolds
Take vajrasana position. Spine firm, eyes closed. Take long breaths in, count till eight. Exhale slowly, count till eight. Regulate this for a while.
Relax face, and breathe.

Place hands on hips with elbows firm. Spine firm, eyes closed. Breathe in, count till four. Hold breath, count till four. Exhale, count till four. This position is to expand the base of the lungs.
You can increase pace of breathing for a while.

Place arms in front of chest with fingertips touching. Spine firm, eyes closed. Breathe in, hold, breathe out. Count four at each stage. This is to expand middle lungs.
Place arms on shoulder blades with fingers spread. Inside of arms must touch ears. Breathe in, hold, exhale. Count four each time. This will de-stress back and top of lungs.

Bhastrika Pranayam. Move arms up and down, inhaling when arms are up, exhaling when arms are down. Breathe rapidly. Do 30-50 breaths. Pause and repeat two more times. Breathe very fast. Slow down after third round. Chant Om three times and move into meditation.

Sudarshan kriya normalises breathing by concentrating on it systematically. Firstly, closing the eyes shuts off external stimuli so that one concentrates on oneself. Expression of gratitude with a namaskara helps in leaving aside any arrogance or stubbornness that might cause imbalance. It also prepares us for change.

Sitting in vajrasana straightens the spinal cord and makes the movement of attention between the brain and spinal cord hindrance-free. It also helps in breathing freely. The three positions for pranayama, which incrementally take our arms from down to up, physically engage muscles in the neck and shoulders thereby relieving pressure built up in them due to stress. The ujjayi breathing concentrates attention in the spinal cord, which controls breathing in normal circumstances.

In bhastrika, breathing out forcefully, the respiratory tract gets purified and expands. Long utterances of 'om', which takes our attention from the bottom of the spinal cord up to the neck and then forward to the topmost part of the brain while breathing out, harmonise the central nervous system and our breathing.

In the three final stages of the kriya, rhythmic inhalations and exhalations of long, medium and short durations shift emphasis from inhaling in the long duration to equal in the medium and exhaling in the short duration. Our attention shifts from the lungs to the respiratory tract and finally to the top of the nose. When we rest after the kriya, we take our attention to all parts of the body and become conscious of the balance in our attention and the harmony in our vital systems. It conserves energy, which is otherwise wasted in stress, and makes it available for other purposes.

It takes only about 30 to 45 minutes to do the short sudarshan kriya. It can be practised at any time during the day, except when the stomach is full. Spending some time doing the kriya away from one's busy schedule is a great stress-reliever. Coupled with light physical exercise, its benefits are immense.

# Vajrasana posture
Vajrasana posture
Posture is important in all Kriyas of yoga and Sudarshana Kriya is no exception. The Thunderbolt posture creates the necessary channels for the breath to oxygenate certain elements of the body.

Take your time in mastering the posture as illustrated. Slowly kneel onto a mat or blanket with the knees, ankles and toes touching the ground. Rest buttocks onto the soles of the feet. Allow the heels to separate until they touch the sides of the hips. Place palms down by draping them onto the knees.

Sit erect with stillness and relax your eyes and mind. As long as the knees and ankles feel comfortable, stay in the posture and breathe slowly and normally. It takes some effort and may be difficult initially, but do not be discouraged. It is best to close your eyes to cut off external stimuli and turn the attention inward. This posture makes the movement of attention between the brain and spinal cord hindrance free. It engages the muscles in the neck and the shoulders naturally, relieving stress related pressure and helps in breathing freely.
Breathing / Pranayama
# Breath control or Pranayama is paramount for a successful Sudarshana Kriya practice. This technique is cleansing and is called the 'Ujjayi'.

The first stage begins with the relaxation of the throat and sternum. Try to concentrate on the inhalation and exhalation of breath, through rhythmic slow breathing. Ensure that the time for inhalation and exhalation is about the same. A cycle is one inhalation, followed by one exhalation. After 20 cycles of stage one, you are ready for the next stage of the Kriya.

The second stage begins with normal inhalation followed by deep exhalation. Here, exhalation lasts for a longer time than inhalation. Be aware that the sternum and the rest of the body including the back have to remain as relaxed as possible. Complete 20 cycles of stage two, slowly and rhythmically.

As you move into the third stage, deep inhalation is followed by normal exhalation. Inhalation takes a longer time than exhalation, within a cycle. The same cautions as second stage apply. Complete 20 cycles of stage three, slowly and rhythmically.

Go into the last stage with deep inhalation followed by deep exhalation. The time for inhalation and exhalation is about the same. This is done for 20 cycles also.
# The Kriya can be completed by slowly restoring normal and rhythmic inhalation and exhalation. Particular notice should be given to the parts of the body ensuring that there is no stress on any limb or portion of the body. Complete this stage for 20 cycles or more, if desired.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Youth Empowerment and Skills Workshop (YES+)


A powerful life-skills program, that charges the youth with a fresh breath of vigor, enthusiasm, excellence and responsibility. YES!+ enables you to absorb the freshness, the repose and all the positivity around you, and helps you discharge stress, inhibitions, bad habits, and barriers.
YES!+ is a brilliant mix of antiquity and the contemporary. It is a smooth blend of ancient wisdom, yoga, pranayama (breath control), and meditation, fused with contemporary intellectual exchanges, music and games. And of-course it includes Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s powerful and famous breathing technique, the Sudarshan Kriya.It also focuses on Spirituality.

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is a harmonious blend of outer silence and inner celebration and also inner silence and outer celebration. When attention is given to the spiritual aspect of one’s life, it brings responsibility, a sense of belongingness, and compassion and caring for the whole of humanity. Spirit upholds and sustains life. It makes you strong and solid. It breaks down the narrow boundaries of cast, creed, religion and nationality and gives you an awareness, this uplifting of consciousness, that wars can be eliminated and human rights restored in the world today.In science you have knowledge first, and then faith follows ,In spirituality faith comes first,and then knowledeg follows.
- His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar

Sudarshan Kriya-

A crest jewel in the Art of Living is the healing breath known as Sudarshan Kriya.
This unique breathing practice is a potent energizer.  Every cell becomes fully oxygenated and flooded with new life.  Negative emotions that have been stored as toxins in the body are easily uprooted and flushed out. Tension, frustrations and anger get released. Anxiety, depression and lethargy are washed away.  Both the mind and the body feel a welcome relief.  After the practice, one is left calm and centered with a clearer vision of the world and of oneself.  A sense of joy in the moment prevails where once again we can smile from our hearts.  And when we feel good about ourselves, love flows naturally in all our relationships with others.
How can a breathing practice be so beneficial? How does it work?
More than a mere breathing exercise, the rhythms of breath during Sudarshan Kriya technique carry deep significance. Rhythms abound everywhere in nature: day follows night, tides  rise and fall, seasons come and go, countless biological rhythms exist in the body.  There are also rhythms of mind and emotions.  When these rhythms are in sync, we feel a sense of harmony and well being.  When stress throws us off balance, chaotic rhythms are created within us.  Then we feel a sense of discomfort and discontent.  The mind wavers vacillating between worries about the future and regrets of the pasts.  We find that we do not fully enjoy our lives in the present moment, here and now.
A solution can be found with the breath-link between mind and body.  Like other rhythms throughout nature, our .breath also moves in specific patterns at particular times.  Have you ever observed your breath when you felt anxious? Or angry or relaxed… content... happy?  Every emotion is instantly reflected in the rhythm of the breath.
When we reintroduce natural rhythms into our breath, our body, mind and emotions can be brought from a condition of chaos to a state of balance.  This is the practice of Sudarshan Kriya.
The effect is immediate and tangible.  The internal discard from past sorrows and disappointments is retuned into a soothing symphony of peace and serenity.  Even the most intense or debilitating emotions subside after ten minutes of practice.  One is left free to enjoy life – alert to the present moment and centered in the silence of one’s Being.
Sudarshan kriya is a completely natural process that was cognized by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar during divine meditation on March 4 and 5, 1982.  From these auspicious dates we mark the beginning of the Master’s gift of the Art of Living to people throughout the world.
Sudarshan kriya is a powerful tool for daily living.  It is simple to learn and easy to practice.  It is a technique of direct experience that you can receive during the Art of Living Workshop.  Afterwards, daily practice at home ensures that you enjoy maximum benefits.

"A few times of the healing breath fully relaxes you.  Your life becomes more total.  All the faces of your personality come together to make you one whole person.  Do the healing breath and meditate. these practices completely transforms you and kindle the love deep inside."
- His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Intrested frens can know more details about YES+ course by just visiting the ART OF LIVING branch office at Baneshwor, Inside Everest Hotel. The next YES+ course is going to start from August 1ST . JAYGURUDEV!!